Walking the Tightrope of Life: Refuel, Renew and Re-center Your Work-Life Demands was created and dedicated (but not solely) to individuals in the helping profession having trouble disconnecting from the work day while at home, burdened with guilt when saying no to others, and/or struggling with the emotional, mental and physical fatigue or burnout often associated with this field of work. These individuals give so much, so often and to so many that they often neglect the time needed to invest in their own self care needs. Walking the Tightrope of Life will encourage these professionals to practice good self-care as well as find renewal in their work to experience more balance and satisfaction in their professional and personal lives.
Walking the Tight Rope of Life:Refuel Renew Recenter Your Work-Life Demands
Refuel Renew Recenter Your Work-Life Demands
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